
سیستم یکپارچه همکاری در فروش فایل


سیستم یکپارچه همکاری در فروش فایل

مقاله الیاف طبیعی در رزین (انتقال چوبی کائوچو در مواد مرکب )

مقاله الیاف طبیعی در رزین (انتقال چوبی کائوچو در مواد مرکب )
مقاله الیاف طبیعی در رزین (انتقال چوبی کائوچو در مواد مرکب ) - In this study resin transfer molded composites were made in commercial resin transfer molding equipment by direct substitution of jute bast fiber for glass random fiber mats The goal was to determine their suitability for use in resin transfer molding equipment with regard to resin flow air entrainment and surface properties Mechanical prope

Mechanical testing Tensile tests on specimens measuring 25 by 250 mm were conducted according to ASTM 638-90 and flexural tests on specimens measuring 11 by 140 mm by ASTM 790-90 at the Forest Products Laboratory Engineering Mechanics Laboratory with load applied perpendicular to the surface of the fiber mat. A crosshead speed of 5 mm/min. was used. The stressstrain curves were analyzed using a three-parameter hyperbolic tangent model that has been shown to accurately represent the stress-strain behavior. The composite specimens were all tested to failure. Information collected in the tests included tensile strength at failure, tensile modulus, flexural strength, and flexural modulus. Notched and unnotched highspeed impact performance of the composites (13 by 65 mm) was evaluated by Izod impact according to ASTIM D 256.
قیمت فقط1,500 تومان پرداخت و دانلود

مشخصات فروشنده

نام و نام خانوادگی : شادمان روستا ناوی

شماره تماس : 09195145166

ایمیل :mohandesbartar@gmail.com

سایت :fileyar.ir

مشخصات فایل

فرمت : zip

تعداد صفحات : 6

قیمت : 1,500 تومان

حجم فایل : 161 کیلوبایت

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